Taglia il pane a pezzetti e mettilo in una ciotola con il latte per circa 10'. Aggiungi le uova, il formaggio e impasta con una forchetta o con le mani. Unisci lo Speck tagliato a striscioline e soffritto per qualche minuto con il burro, l'erba cipollina e la cipolla affettata.
Aggiungi la farina per amalgamare ed asciugare l'impasto. Bagnati le mani e ricava delle palline di circa 4-5 cm di diametro. Fai bollire in acqua salata per circa 10' e servi con abbondante burro fuso e salvia. Fantastico piatto!
Today I propose to you this typical dish of South Tyrol, a dish that I adore in every season, even more in a season like this one... Simple and tasty this dish, try it!
300 g of stale bread, 2 eggs, 2 or 3 Tsp of white flour, 100 g of Speck, 50 g di Formagella of Tremosine, 1 little onion, 1/2 glass of milk, 20 g of butter, chives.
Cut the bread in pieces and put it into a bowl with the milk for about 10'. Add eggs and cheese and knead with a fork or with your hands. Fry the thinly sliced Speck with butter, sliced onion and chives. Add it to the bread and join the flour just to blend and dry the dough.
Dunk your hands with water, then make some balls of 4-5 cm diameter. Boil the balls in some salted boiled water for about 10', then take them out and serve with generous melt butter and sage. Awesome dish!