200 g di farina, 100 g di zucchero, 4 mele, 2 uova, 1 bustina di lievito, buccia di limone, cannella.
Mescola bene con una frusta uova e zucchero, poi aggiungi farina, lievito e un po' di buccia di limone grattugiata e un po' di cannella in polvere.
Sbuccia e taglia le mele a pezzetti non troppo piccoli e aggiungile all'impasto, mescolando ancora un po'.Adesso passa in forno preriscaldato a 170 gradi per 30'.
Preparazione 10' + cottura 30'
This cake is really quickly to do, perfect for those who has few time but lot of desire of an apple cake!!! One of those cakes that fill your home with the aroma that only an apple cake may leave... Is the recipe I "stolen" to Elio, a bit bizarre chef I known during one of my holiday...
200 g of flour, 100 g of sugar, 4 apples, 2 eggs, 1 case of yeast, lemon skin, cinnamon powder.
Mix eggs and sugar, add flour, yeast, some grated lemon skin and cinnamon.
Peel and slice the apples in pieces not too little, then add to the mixture, mixing again. Bake at 170 degrees for 30'.